How to Develop Key Messages?

How to Develop Key Messages?

A couple of days ago, we had a sales call with a successful business owner.

How am I defining success?

The company, a start-up, have recently raised sizable funding and embarked on their marketing journey –PR engagement, participation in events, presence on multiple social platforms etc. Needless to say, they have received a decent coverage in media too.

During our discussion, I wanted to know what their USP was, as the messaging was not clear. The CEO, a dynamic IIM graduate responded saying that it was pretty much the same as their competitors. When we indicated that the messages were not consistent in the coverage, the team went on to blame the media to have picked what suited them from the usually longish interviews. Our questions regarding the differentiation didn’t get any serious consideration.

When someone says that media has interpreted or written what suits them, it is the key message which is not articulated properly. When the founder is not clear about the messages or the USP and is unable to back it, how will the media, their customers or anyone else get it?

“Key messages are vital to Messaging or Communication with the internal and external stakeholders” – Tweet that

However, there are a couple of aspects to be looked into before we get down to key message creation. One needs to:

  • Relook at ‘the why’ or ‘the purpose’ of the business
  • Think of the unique value proposition or the differentiator, especially if the business has a lot of competitors
  • Set a clear business goal that you want to achieve with the messaging

Once you have done that, try to make the key messages:

  • Strategic – so that they differentiate and establish your leadership.
  • Crisp and clear – when you speak it, it should not sound pompous.
  • Simple, Memorable and Relevant – use simple language and be truthful.
  • Authentic and compelling – yet they should motivate all stakeholders – both internal and external.

Once you create 3 or 4 key messages,

  • Support them with stories which touch the target audience emotionally
  • Support them with information/explanation which can be substantiated. If possible back it with research, statistics and case studies.
  • Try to answer as many questions that might arise regarding the messages.

Key messages help describe the business, product or service, or the value system of the founders. They can also focus on the benefits – your unique value proposition for the target audience.

Key messages help create a perception in the minds of your target audience. They help the customers remember and brag about you. They enable media and influencers to write or say the right things about you.

“Developing clear, succinct and precise key messages needs careful thinking and deliberate effort” – Tweet that

It is imperative to craft your key messages before communicating with the media or your target audience.