8 Simple Tips on How to Write Good Blog Titles

8 Simple Tips on How to Write Good Blog Titles

8 tips to write blog
  • How do I write good blog titles?

  • Do questions make good blog titles?

  • Are my blog titles too boring?

  • SEO vs. Creativity?

Every writer/blogger is faced with these questions. In a world where your blog titles are the difference between your readers skipping your blog or clicking the link to revel in your infinite wisdom, mastering the art of writing good blog titles is imperative.

Are good blog titles important?

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cents out of your dollar. – David Ogilvy


  1. Titles are the first things that show up in search results. 9 out of 10 times, they decide if the reader clicks your blog link.
  2.  They can engage your customer to within a few moments.
  3. Search Engines determine what your website is about from your page titles.
  4. They hugely contribute to your SEO, thereby making your blog more findable.


Here are my

8 Simple Tips on How to Write Good Blog Titles

Tip #01

Make Sure it's Relevant.

Your title is a promise to the reader. They click your blog title link hoping to find useful information. Your title should accurately describe what the reader will find in the body of the blog. The meta description should support the blog title. Do not mislead. Do not annoy.

With regard to SEO, an unhappy reader will hit the ‘Back’ button and up your bounce rate, thereby reducing your website ranking.

Tip #02

Be Creative. Be Original.

A unique title will present the reader with a pleasant surprise in an otherwise boring list of titles in his search results. It is an easy way to stand out and grab the reader’s attention. Your blog titles should ideally be a balance between creativity and SEO.

Tip #03

Brevity - Keep it short. Keep it simple.

Your blog title should typically be between 6-8 words, an ideal title can be read with just a single glance. When you share your content on social networks or when it appears in the search results, your readers should find the entire title instead of half cut words.

Tip #04

Include Keywords - Optimize for Search and Social Media

Creativity is for the human readers to click the blog title, keywords are what will help search engines know what’s in your blog. Keywords also help the reader know the subject of the blog.
Make sure you keep just 1-2 keywords.

You can use the formula

<Number> – <tips/tricks> – to – <adjective> – <promise> – <keywords>

An example would be

8 – Simple Tips -on How  to – Write –  a Good – Blog Titles

Tip #05

Intrigue the Reader - pose a question.

Questions make great blog titles. They introduce the element of curiosity. Suggest to the reader that there is something to look forward to after clicking the title.


Tip #06


The internet is filled with hundreds of similar titles, always perform a search before you freeze a title. If there’s already an article named ‘Marketing Tips’, you should probably reconsider the title or change the order of the words to ‘7 Simple Tips for Successful Marketing’.

This Improves your ranking and also makes you distinguishable.

Tip #07

Make sure you answer the 'Why' or 'So what' question.

Always address the question ‘Why’. Why should a reader read your blog? Why is it more preferred than someone else’s blog?  For example, this blog could have been named ‘Guide to writing blog titles‘, But that does not answer the question Why should I read it?

Examining the name ‘8 Simple Tips on How to Write Good Blog Titles’, 
Why should I read it? So I can Write Good Blog Titles.

Tip #08

Write at least 3 versions of your headline.

You might not always have the best version on your first attempt. I generally write 3 version of my title, listen to myself say the 3 titles and choose the one I would click among the 3. If you’re not sure which one you’d click, use the process of elimination and remove the ones you wouldn’t click until you’re left with 1 title.


Please let us know what you think of our blog title tips. I’m sure you might have a few tips of your own, please feel free to share them in the comments section.

5 Copywriting Tips for Creating Interesting Social Media Posts

5 Copywriting Tips for Creating Interesting Social Media Posts

3 cs of copywriting

Copywriting requires a combination of 3 skill sets – storytelling, conciseness, and creativity. In a world where people don’t pay more than a few seconds of attention.

Brevity is the soul of wit – William Shakespeare

keeping your social media posts short, sweet and to the point is of paramount importance. Here are the 5 Copywriting Tips for Interesting Social Media Posts:


The 3 C’s of copywriting

The number 3, symbolizing trinity, the minimum number of sides required to form a closed shape, symbolizes completeness. So it would only make sense that the rules for copywriting would come in 3’s.

So here are the 3 C’s of copywriting:

  1. Clear
  2. Concise
  3. Compelling

Your social media posts need to be clear, to the point and interesting enough to invoke an action.



The 3 U’s of copywriting

    1. Unique
    2. Useful
    3. Urgent

    Your writing needs to create a sense of urgency so it encourages the viewers to act.


    The 3 W’s of copywriting - Who? Why? What?

    Copywriting is similar to storytelling, therefore an effective method that can be incorporated is the 3 W’s, which is the condensed version of Who? Why? When? What? Where? How?

    1. Who is this for?
    2. Why should someone care?
    3. What should be done next?

    Answer these questions so it stays relevant to the reader and there is purpose, personalization, and direction for the reader.


    social proof1


    Use Social Proof - Substantiate your claim

    There is little trust on the internet. People make a lot of claims. A LOT!

    There are a lot of fraudulent posts online, this makes users sceptical to the claims made online. If you have relevant information to back your claims, it might be a good idea to use social proof in your posts to increase the trust factor.

    An easy way is to link the person you are referencing (ideally an influencer with a following) or show proof in the form of imagery.

    People are far more relieved and more likely to act when they know someone else has walked the same path with desired results.



    AIDA is an old-school marketing technique and can be used effectively in copywriting as well. example.

    AIDA stands for:

    1. Awareness
    2. Interest
    3. Desire
    4. Action

    It is the act of moving someone from the state of being Unaware about a certain topic to a state where they perform a desired action, like purchasing your product or service.

    A person might spend 10 seconds or less on your post title, make sure there is something that grabs their attention right off the bat. Interesting imagery or content could grab their attention – social proof is a good method to move your prospects from awareness to desire. Action is a matter of good lead follow-up processes.

